Retail Resources
Thank you for popping by. If you are a retailer of Australian Chestnuts then we invite you to sign up for the Chestnuts Australia Newsletter. To encourage more interest in chestnuts we have opened up the newsletter so everyone can receive a copy!
Our goal is to produce a quality crop this season and keep you well informed on how the chestnut season is progressing, so please feel free to use the fabulous chestnut content on this page to share on your business website, newsletters and social media platforms.
We will be offering loads of tips and hints to help you sell more chestnuts this season to encourage your customers to go nuts for chestnuts!
Chestnut Recipe Competition 2023
Retailers Subscription
Whats New in ’25
Chestnut Posters to Download
Add a few chestnut posters to your retail displays to inspire and educate your consumers and encourage sales this season. You’d be nuts not to try chestnut posters with your display’